Start the journey to improving your health and funtionality.

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that aims to bring or maintain one's body into a state of optimum function. This is achieved using a deep knowledge of human anatomy and biomechanics.

A skilled and experienced Osteopath will provide you with the highest quality care and treatment.

Dino Theocharis, M. Ost. is a qualified Osteopath and lecturer located at Alton Osteopaths within Energique Fitness & Wellness Centre, Alton. A structural practitioner, his specialism lies with postural and chronic pain management, pre- and post-surgery rehabilitation, and as a passionate golfer and sport enthusiast himself, Dino also treats and supports the management of sports injury and rehabilitation.

A trusted Osteopath that offers pragmatic support with a successful track record, Dino is available for a consultation on request. Available Monday through Saturday. He is also available for home visits on request.

Patient Testimonials

  • I have had persistent but regular back issues which I have endured for many years. Immediately after my initial visit my back was in better shape it felt more robust and stronger. I then committed to six weekly maintenance sessions. He has an educational and consultative approach which was of great benefit as it meant I was managing my back as much as him! I do not hesitate in highly recommending his services.

    Martyn, 55

  • I just want to say how happy I am to have found Dino. Having visited other osteopaths in the past with varying degrees of success I was anxious when my shoulder pain resurfaced. First of all, he took a very detailed history of my complaint and really listened. He has a thorough professional approach and I am now pain free with a tailored exercise programme to follow for the future. Thank you.

    Noreen, 70

  • I've been to Dino a few times now for my lower back pain and after a couple of sessions already felt the benefit. Having previously tried various different treatments, I wish I'd gone to Dino sooner! He's very patient and really takes the time to understand my pain. I feel very confident in my recovery plan, thanks Dino!

    Fran, 39